Baptism Promises Milestone Opportunities

  • additional opportunities for parents in fulfilling their Baptism promises 
  • geared for each age group
  • student & their parent(s) participate (same understanding, points for discussion and support base)
  • offered each school year so that each rising age child & their parents can grow in their awareness of their part in the Church family
  • August 11th: Welcome to Sunday school activity for 3-year-olds who will be entering Sunday school this fall. 
  • August 25th: Our 4-year-olds will meet for an activity about The Lord’s Prayer and how it applies to them. 
  • September 1st: Our 3rd & 4th graders will learn about the 10 Commandments and how these laws apply to their lives today in their CONNECT classroom and then move to the Prayer Garden to delve into the different types of prayers they can use in their relationship with God.
  • September 22nd: Our Affirmation students and chosen mentor will gather for their first meeting as they begin 10 sessions of varied opportunities to connect deeper with each other through shared interests, worship and service opportunities.
  • October 6th: Our 2nd grade children will participate in an activity about the Bible, why it’s special and how to use it.
  • October 13th: Our 5-year-olds will have their turn playing a scavenger hunt game while learning about their role in worship. 
  • March 23 & 30, April 6th & 17th: Our 1st graders will begin a 4-lesson course on First Communion in the Parish Life Center after worship with lunch. This instruction aims to familiarize and help the children feel more comfortable at the Lord’s Table. The families will make bread for Maundy Thursday worship (April 17th) where the children will be invited to participate in their first communion.  
  • May 18th: We will celebrate our high schoolers graduation with a special blessing and sending during worship and reception.
  • next school year:
    • Our 5th graders will read John 3:16 and learn how it’s the Gospel in a nutshell.
    • Affirmation of Baptism for those students completing this step in their faith journey during worship with reception.
    • Our pre-teens will learn & experience that as children of God we are born into the world Wonderfully Made and beloved by God.     
    • Our middle school students will explore lessons geared to give them experiences & information they need to build a solid foundation around faith and sexuality.
    • Our 9th & 10th graders will focus on safe choices while driving, as God goes with us.

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