News & Events
Newcomer Gatherings
Sundays, August 25 and September 8 9:45 am
Newcomers Gatherings
Are you n...
Eucharistic Ministry Expanding Volunteer Teams
Our Eucharistic Ministry Team assists with the pastoral care of the homebound an...
Hello Thrivent Members!
Are you a benefit member of Thrivent Financial? Did you know that each year you...
Youth Ministry News
Baptism Promises Milestone Opportunities
additional opportunities for parents in fulfilling their Baptism promises
Kingdom of Saints Youth Group
5-7 pm
We would like to get our middle and high school youth together for fun...
All Saints Sunday Celebration
November 3
11 am - 1 pm
ALL are invited for food and fellowship to celebra...
We are a Christ-centered caring congregation welcoming all and proclaiming the gospel through worship, witness, and service in Jesus’ name.
All Saints engages the community through service, support, and relationship building.
We give through our time, talents, and treasures, yet we believe that the entirety of these ultimately belong to God.
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