Your Gifts
We are called to be stewards of all God’s gifts. This means our daily decisions and acts — all the ways that we put to use the time, talents, and treasures of our lives — are meant to be God-pleasing. Whenever and however we offer these gifts for the work of God, it is an act of worship.
The manner that we live our lives is an expression of faith, and our daily decisions are small acts of worship. The pages that are listed under our website’s Ministries tab will give you a sense of how your time and talents can be faithfully offered at All Saints. Our ministries are driven by gifts of time and talents, however each one of them also requires financial investments, whether directly or indirectly. Your financial contributions create ministry, and they sustain ministry.
Online Giving
You are able to give toward the ministries of All Saints Lutheran Church at any time with online giving. If you find that you rarely have cash or checks on you, then online giving is probably the best option for you to conveniently make a one-time gift or set up a recurring contribution.
Online giving helps your congregation. The more people who schedule online contributions, the greater percentage of the offerings that the congregation can trust will be present during lean periods. In addition, it allows you to still be invested in the mission of the congregation even if you are unable to attend on a particular Sunday.
If you would like to give online, you may use one of the following links to complete your contribution. Please contact our office if you have any questions.