All Are Welcome. All Are Loved. All Saints.

As Lutherans, we believe that all people are made in the image of God. This is the first lesson of Scripture (Genesis 1). That’s why at All Saints, when we say “All are welcome,” all means all. We believe that the church is where the children of God, made in God’s image, gather to worship God in spirit and in truth (John 3). Although we’re called All Saints, we understand that we are, as Martin Luther said, at the same time both saint and sinner. Therefore the saying is true: The church is to be a hospital for sinners, not a museum of saints. Here, healing and wholeness are found in the presence of God, the Father + Son and Holy Spirit.


+ Authentic Welcome / Authentic Worship

We believe that authenticity is a reflection of Truth. At All Saints, we seek to reflect the truth of Who and Whose we are, even if the truth isn’t always “perfect.”  Genuine hospitality and authentic community are the hallmarks of our congregation. No matter what your faith background is, what your past experiences are, or how long you’ve been away, you are welcome here.

Worship is at the heart of all we do here at All Saints. Our worship reflects who we are: rooted in the Lutheran tradition, while embracing new and various expressions of faith. Worship is about praising God and centering ourselves in Grace for the week to come. From preaching to teaching to music to fellowship, we seek to be an ever-reforming church: exploring fresh expressions without forgetting our roots. In Christ, we are “always being made new.”


+ Sharing the Gospel

We believe that the good news of Christ transforms lives. Our worship, education and fellowship empowers disciples to share the gospel of Jesus by shining the light of Christ everywhere we go. Whether it’s children’s Sunday School, summertime Vacation Bible School, small group ministry, Thursday Morning Bible Study, or community partnerships, all we do is centered around sharing the good news among and around us. As a church, we seek to deepen our understanding of God’s Word to equip us to share God’s Love.


+ Loving our Neighbor

We believe that we are the Body of Christ, called to be his hands and feet in the world. In worship, the people of God are called, nourished, equipped an then sent out. The work of God’s kingdom begins when the worship ends. We serve others as Jesus himself served, when he knelt to wash his disciples feet (John 13). All Saints uses the ELCA’s Accompaniment Model, which focuses on walking with our neighbors, mutuality, listening and responding to needs in context. Loving our neighbors begins with knowing our neighbors, hearing their concerns, celebrating their joys, and sharing God’s abundance with all.


+ Cultivating Community

We believe that disciples grow disciples. Freed people free people! Gathering together in Christian community increases our faith through the spoken and lived Word of God. Building Christ-centered relationships are a key component to individual and corporate faith. The All Saints congregation is one of genuine welcome, where newcomers are invited to share their experiences, gifts, ideas and insights. From youth and family ministry to the young adult group to adult fellowship opportunities, this congregation values being together. Our message is “Come and See” (John 1) – see the liberating, all-encompassing Grace of God in action!