ArtSmart Performing Arts Summer Camp

July 29th – Aug 2nd 


For 1st-8th graders

Family Show & Lunch Aug 2nd

Registration fee: $50/child, $25/2nd child, $10/3rd child

Includes a light lunch*  —  Scholarships Available

We are excited to offer this summer opportunity where students will be able to practice drama, music, visual arts, and other performing arts in combination with a Biblically-based program.

All of the arts will come together for a Friday performance for families and friends. Snacks and lunch will be offered each day. Families may opt to include a light breakfast at 8:30 am.

We are looking for adults to share their talents in these areas, as well as shepherds to guide the students through the rotation stations and snack/meal helpers. To Volunteer contact the church office at (843) 884-5470. A background check will be required.  

Register HERE

Summer Church Directory Photos

Our Communications Coordinator, Stephen Wyatt, will be in the Prayer Garden on the first Sundays of July and August to snap photos of new members or anyone who would like to update your church family directory photo. Please stop by between the services and let us capture your smile!  Digital copies can also be provided to you for your family collection.  Let us know which of the 2 days best suits you. A sign-up sheet is located in the breezeway, or email Lisa in the Church Office,

Eucharistic Ministry Expanding Volunteer Teams

Our Eucharistic Ministry Team assists with the pastoral care of the homebound and administers the Sacrament of Holy Communion one Sunday each month.  If you know of a member who may like to be included in our Eucharistic visits, please contact the Pastors (843-884-5470) or Pat Stribling (843-224-2038) to coordinate adding them to our visits

 We are also seeking to expand our volunteer teams. If you would like to share the Sacrament of Holy Communion with the homebound one Sunday each month, or simply visit with them and share conversation regularly in their homes, we encourage you to join this ministry.  To find out more, contact Pat Stribling.