Wonderful Wednesdays

Mar. 12, 19, 26 & Apr. 2, 9

5-6:30 pm

We will offer a performing arts opportunity in preparation for Palm Sunday for our 3K-5th graders. This weekly, evening arts workshop will include bells/chimes, singing and visual arts rotations within age groupings. Middle and high school youth are encouraged to volunteer to help with the rotations. 

Meanwhile, Pastor Ginger will offer an adult Bible Study while the children rehearse. Children and adults will come together at 6:25 pm for prayers of gratitude around the Table in the Sanctuary before dismissal.

We plan to share the highlights during the 11 am worship on Palm Sunday morning. Although encouraged, children do not have to be present at this worship services in order to be a part of this performing arts opportunity.

RSVP by March 2 HERE

Interfaith Youth Worship visit

February 23rd

10:00 am worship

Goodwill A.M.E. church

2818 N. Hwy 17

All Saints is looking forward to visiting with other interfaith church youth as part of the Lowcountry Faith Council connection initiatives. Our middle and high school youth will participate in the 10:00 am worship service with their parents at Goodwill A.M.E. church. Afterwards, our youth and their parents are asked to stay after worship for lunch with the other church youth and their parents for fellowship and a time of Q & A.

RSVP HERE by Feb. 16th

First Communion Instruction

March 23 from 12:30-1:45 pm
March 30 from 11:30-12:45 pm
April 6 from 12:30-1:45 pm
April 17 from 5-6:45 pm

Our 1st graders and their parents will begin a 4-session course on First Communion. This instruction aims to familiarize and help the children feel more comfortable at the Lord’s Table. The first 3 sessions will be offered following the 11 (or 10 on 3/30) service, with lunch. For the 3rd session, families will be provided the ingredients for making bread which will be used on Maundy Thursday. The last session on April 17th will conclude prior to the Maundy Thursday worship at 7 pm where the children will be invited to participate in their first communion. This instruction isn’t required, but is offered as an opportunity for families to grow together through the promises made at Baptism.

RSVP HERE by March 2nd