Dear Saints

“Blessed are those who trust in the Lord… They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream.” -Jeremiah 17:7-8
Dear Saints, What nourishes you? When you feel depleted, what fills you up? Is it a brisk walk on a fresh spring morning? Or a hot cup of coffee in a cozy cafe? Is it being in community with like-minded people? Or returning once again to the words of your favorite Psalm? In order to grow, we all need nourishment. In order to care for and serve others, we all need to be fed. All of life exists in the rhythm of growth and rest, intake and output. If we are not going to become burned out or dried up, we need to tap into sources of spiritual nourishment.

The prophet Jeremiah compares trust in God to a tree finding refreshment from a nearby stream. A tree with a ready supply of water can flourish and grow into it’s full potential. In the same way, the believer who taps into the ever-present love of God can truly become who they were made to be. As long as we’re feeding our bodies, our bodies will grow. But if we aren’t feeding our souls, will our spirits grow? In order to grow, to mature, to become the most fruitful version of ourselves, we must rely on God. We must be firmly rooted in trust and regularly fed from his Spirit.
Being firmly rooted means knowing who we are. It means knowing that no matter what wild winds blow our way, God’s got us. He is the one who made us, who knows us, and who claimed us as his beloved. Being fed by God means opening ourselves to spiritual refreshment he is ready and wiling to give. Spiritual refreshment comes through his Word, through prayer and worship. It comes in supportive community and the testimony of others. It also comes through time for rest, entrusting everything to God’s capable hands.
We are called and equipped to serve in many and various ways. And we each find what feeds us in a variety of different ways as well. Keep growing and serving, but don’t forget to open yourself up to be the recipient of care and nuture as well. Life is a rhythm, don’t neglect the balance!

+ Pastor Ginger +


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